Hello Crazy
Most days I really like crazy people............Today is not one of those days.
Money Laundering
I love finding money in the washing machine. I know its already mine, but it seems like a great find. Its like I was rewarded for moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer. Its the opposite feeling of washing other things like cell phones, gum, assorted paper products, candy, or anything with batteries.
Rogue Thoughts
I've been a little obsessed with the word Rogue lately. Rogue-a vagrant; a rascal; a wag; a mischievous person. I think it would be a great middle name for a boy. I need to use this word more in everyday conversation. Roguery, Roguish, Roguishly, Roguishness, Rogue Elephant. I just like the way it sounds. On a side note, Wag means to move from side to side. Just kidding, a wag is a droll, mischievous fellow, a habitual joker, a wit, Roguish.
Strange Fruit
I about had an accident yesterday when I saw this tree bearing such strange fruit. I drive past this tree several times a day for about 3 years and have just noticed its unusual qualities. I'm not going to tell you where it is. I want you to find it. There are some pretty good clues in the photo.
The Reason I Go To Bed

I have to be honest, If the reason I get up in the morning is to drink coffee, the reason I go to bed at night is my electric blanket. (During winter months) Its like climbing into the dryer, only more flat and less spinning. We did have a falling out once, when I was in 5th grade my bed caught on fire at 4 AM on New Years. It was not really that much fun, I got really sick from breathing all that smoke, missed 2 weeks of school. Insurance paid for a new bed and electric blanket! If I must sleep, this is much more comfortable than the dryer.
The Shredder is Smoking!
Overload, the red light comes on, the grinding stops, a little puff of smoke comes out. Its been a long hard job, it deserved a smoke break.
Something tells me its on break for good.
I can't imagine how many credit card applications, bank statments, and other papers I'd like to forget, have disappeared through this machine clearly marked "no hands"
Beans and Ho's
Here I am with my ho planting beans. Notice the cows in the background, thats a nice touch. It reminds me of the long summers spent on the ranch. Lots of time to be a boy, chasing things, exploring unknown places. It was simple, and beautiful. We would plant gardens and take care of animals. The wonder of watching things grow and change and grow again was something that captured me.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!!
Its not everyday that we celebrate with such great excitement a life that means so much to so many. We laughed we cried we told stroies and laughed again. We learned how you've impacted each person in a special way. I am learning how much I am like you, and I am thankful that you are who you are. Thanks for letting us celebrate you!