Granny Oakley
This is my 86 year old Grandma. Don't mess with her, she's done more yoga than anyone I know. She is a traveler, artist, intellectual. She has an opinion about so many things. I've learned to love her in spite of her opinions, in spite of myself with my opinions. I hope I'm still trying new things at 86!
Phone Book Paranoia
When I got home from work late last night there was a very pleasant voice on my answering machine, "Hello this is Margret from the Yellow Book USA phone directory, I was just calling to see if you've recieved you new phone directory. If you have not or would like additional coppies at no charge please call me back." Obviously someone hasn't been reading my blog.
An undercelebrated milestone happened today 100,000 miles on the old truck. I turned the radio down and had a moment of silence. I'm conflicted because in some ways this is a good thing, its gone this far, I haven't crashed it yet. On the other hand it may implode soon, it needs new tires, the drivers side lock dosen't like to unlock anymore. Another 100,000? Maybe!
So much Paper So little Time
I just got phone booked again. I think the number of phone books I've recieved this year is in the double digits. Aparently when your home address is a business address also they think you need....well more phone books. They ring my doorbell every you need more........ phone books??? I don't really...............need any more books that is. I already threw the one from my front step in the trash. I don't really believe in recycling of paper, I think we should just plant more trees. This subject is still open for debate however :)
I heart my neighborhood
One of the hazards of living in an older neighborhood is that someone is always cutting down a tree or grinding up branches, usually at some time in the morning when I'm still trying to sleep. I'm sure the tree grinding is not helping my anxieity levels but this is where I choose to live............. in the shade. I looked at three houses today. All three had silence of the lambs basements and some kind of odor of death or dying. I actually said "hell no" out loud while looking at one and I think the realestate agent heard me. Sometimes these things just slip out and you have no control. Better luck next time.