Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lost On "O" St

I've been trying to avoid "O" st construction, I try all kinds of detours in getting around the mess. However, recently I found myself taking the path dreded by many. I must have been deep in thought or singing with the radio or both when suddenly I found myself surrounded be orange cones, dead end, no way out, unsure of how I got there, and oddly no one around. I was trapped! My phobia quickly turned into panic as I plowed through some orange cones and found my way back to my neighborhood. Now I know how the deer feel when they accidentally wander into a walmart or the capital building.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


A weekend at the ranch reminds me of keeping things simple, childhood memories, summer storms, sand in the shoes, watching the sun go down. I'm glad to be back in the land of cell phones and high speed internet, but somehow a little different.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


As it turns out a matgarita bucket full of pennies is worth $112.43. Its also really heavy and now in my savings account, making more pennies!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You have new Picture Mail!

I got lost on O st today. I was innocently driving along and suddenly surrounded by orange cones! I'm not sure how I got there, but I know there was a few orange cones moved when I left. Sorry Grandma

Monday, June 19, 2006

Worst blogger ever??

I feel like I am dangerously close to being the worst blogger ever. Therefore, I have to start somewhere so here goes.

I just got back from playing lazer tag (I am no longer a lazer tag virgin). We had a great time, lots of fun.

Last weekend I went see Bright Eyes in Omaha, and you know what happens when you get that many emo kids together in one place? It rains. I got soaked but it was worth it. I'm kind of a really big fan.

I recently got a new bike, a trek commuting bike and love it. I know that some of you may not what to hear about it, because of recent events, but, you may feel better to know that last week I crashed and burned. It was the over the handle bars scraping your chin and hands on the pavement not going off any sweet jumps(or any other sweet bike jumping terminology that would make it sound cool) kind of crash that I would have loved to have watched. I did manage to ride home after scraping my pride off the pavement and drive my truck to Target to buy band-aids. People look at you funny when your bleeding and buying band-aids.

Diet Coke and mentos really don't mix. Middle school kids every where rejoice!

Monday, June 12, 2006

A Picture Share!

I Heart U 700P.....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

There is something about night time this time of year that will not let me sleep. The weather is so nice, it makes me want to be out and about. I find myself staying up really really late just enjoying the night air, watching the stars, and listening to the thunder. Its one of my favorite things.