Sunday, December 28, 2008

Big gulps?

So once every six months, huh?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

You have new Picture Mail!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Buckley's 1 Year Birthday!!!!

Today is buckley's Birthday! He celebrated by eating a stick and chasing a cat across the back yard. He's a dogs dog.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Its Been a Long Long Time

Its been over a year since I've even looked at my blog. I couldn't remember the password to get logged on and had to do the reset thing, sad I know. I refuse to feel guilty, I'm just going to pick up where I left off. Like the last year never happened, however I have a lot to blog about. A lot of things have happened I bought a house, I got a dog, I remodeled my kitchen. I joined Facebook-- a new obsession.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Astronaut Journey

Admitting that I have failed at something does not happen very often if at all.  Over the past several weeks I have thought many times about how I wish I did a better job at posting my thoughts.  This of course has allowed me to evaluate what thoughts i am actually having......

Somehow, I still find my self envious of people who make a career of blogging about the things they find interesting.  I know there isn't anything that necessarily prevents me from doing this.  I mean it is a free country.  I do have access to the World Wide Interwebs and hundres if not thousands of tools which would allow me to grandly display my thoughts as if there were actually people out there and listening.

My 3 year old loves this children's show on television in which these little charcters use their imagination to go on adventures in their backyard.  Lately she has been talking about an episode, which I have not yet seen, which involves astronauts.  The quote form the episode she keep srepeating is, "Astronauts never give up my friends."  She often invites me to play astronauts with her and I think the only thing she probably actually knows about astronauts is the previously mentioned phrase.

I guess this is all to say that I do want to play astronauts and I want to be an astronaut.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Long time no post...

It has been quite a while since either of us have posted anything, so I thought I would take a minute to let you know that we have not fallen off of the face of the earth. I am at camp right now and sometimes it feels like you are on another planet because you are united to with others in serving and you are served so well in the process. It is very cool to see so many people with different skills come together and run this place. I like to think of it as joining the sacred movement of the world. I am leaving in a couple of days and while I am excited to see my family (they left a week ago) I will be sad to leave this community.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Junior Brown

Old Style $2.00 Junior Brown tickets $15.00 Spider Monkey priceless!